Monday, November 11, 2019


Image result for oganesson
Located at Group 18 and Period 7 is another noble gas. 
First discovered by Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Yuri Oganessian in 2002. The possibility of a seventh noble gas, after helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon and radon was considered almost as soon as the noble gas group was discovered .

The Danish chemist Hans Peter Jorgen Julius Tomsen predicted in April 1895, the year after the discovery of argon, that there was a whole series of chemically inert gases similar to argon that would bridge the halogen and alkali meta; groups: he expected that the seventh  of this series would end a 32- element period which contained thorium and uranium and have an atomic weight of 292, close to 294 now now known for the first and only confirmed isotopes of oganesson .

Neils Bohr noted in 1922 that this 7th nobel gase should have an atomic number 118 and predicted it's eletronic structure as 2,8,18,32,32,18,8 matching modern predictions following this Aristid Grosse wrote an article in 1965 predicting the likely properties of element 118.It was 107 years from Thomsen's prediction before oganesson was succesfully synthesised,although it's chemical properties have not been investigated to determined if it behaves as the heavier congener of radon .

Oganesson's most stable isotope, oganesson-294, has a half-life of about 0.89 milliseconds. It decays into livermorium-290 through alpha decay. Since only a few atoms of oganesson have ever been produced, it currently has no uses outside of basic scientific research.
It's name is named from a russian artist that called Yuri Oganessian
Image result for Yuri Oganessian
Yuri Oganessian
Health effects of Oganesson doesn't occur naturally, it has not been found in the earth's crust, so there is no reason to consider its health hazards.
Image result for oganesson

Atomic number: 118
Element name: Og

Electron per shell : 2, 8, 18, 32, 32, 18, 8

Discoverer:Yuri Oganessian
Element’s Atomic Mass:
Type : Group 18 period 7
 Chemical properties:unstable yet
melting and boiling point is unknown
Physical properties -unknown so call as unstable
Image result for oganesson electron configuration
Oganesson Isotope
oganesson-294: proton-118
                        : neutron-176
                        : electron-118
( Half life-0.7milliseconds )

half life-181 ms

How do it get's it's name?
Yuri Oganessian lead the name and it was approved by the chemical team in 2016.
this element only can be used in laboratory uses


Located at Group 18 and Period 7 is another noble gas.  First discovered by Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Yuri Oganessian in 20...